Published On: 06/06/2024
Gruppo Otologico Hero Corsi


Pratical Courses in Middle Ear and Lateral Skull Base Surgery at the 1st Center for Middle Ear Surgery, Cochlear Implants and Lateral Skull Base in Italy

The GO hosts Medical Residents from the different Universities across the World.

The GO offers Clinical Research Fellowships in two specialties: Skull Base Surgery and Middle Ear Surgery and Implantology. Six Clinical Fellows and over 20 Observers are taken each year. Since its inception over 100 Fellows, 500 observers from over 20 countries from across the world including USA, Australia, Japan, China, Korea, Brazil, Argentina, Russia, India, Mexico, Venezuela, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Turkey, Egypt, Algeria, Morocco, Senegal, Israel, Libya, Lebanon, Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong and other European countries have visited GO.

Many of the Clinical Fellows have gone on to achieve high success in their careers by being appointed as Heads of their respective departments in foreign countries like Japan (Sendai, Kyoto, Tokyo, Nigata), Australia (Sydney, Brisbane), Spain (Madrid, Barcelona), France (Marseilles, Reims), Holland (Amsterdam, Groningen, Utrecht), Belgium (Antwerp, Brussels), Egypt (Cairo, Suez Canal, Alexandria), Saudi Arabia (Jeddah, Riyadh), Jordan (Amman, Erbit), Turkey (Ankara, Konya, Trabzon, Erzurum), Brazil (Sao Paolo), Greece (Athens), Tunisia (Tunis) and Hong Kong.

Between 1992 and 2016, nearly 150 surgical and dissection courses have been organized by the GO both in Italian and English languages. All the courses are recognized by the Ministry of Health and Universities of Italy and are awarded CME credits. Over 1500 doctors from all over the world have been trained in these courses thus far. Delegates have visited from countries including USA, Canada, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Armenia, Iran, Iraq, Georgia, Russia, Ukraine, Spain, Norway, Sweden, France, UK, Denmark, Portugal, Ireland, Germany, Switzerland, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Greece, Austria, Hungary, Costa Rica, Venezuela, Chile, Morocco, Tunisia, Hong Kong and Taiwan.

The Gruppo Otologico has a state-of-the-art dissection laboratory for training purposes. The dissection laboratory comprises of 20 stations, one for each delegate. Each station is equipped with separate Zeiss surgical microscope, required surgical instrument set, Bein-Air power drill and central suction irrigation. The teaching station is additionally equipped with a three chip camera that transmits the video to three 40 inches TV monitors. The Surgical and Dissection courses are organized in the Seminar Hall and the William House dissection lab.

Course Director Mario Sanna M.D.


  • Abdelkader Taibah M.D.
  • Alessandra Russo M.D.
  • Enrico Piccirillo M.D.
  • Antonio Caruso M.D.
  • Lorenzo Lauda M.D.
  • Anna Lisa Giannuzzi M.D.
  • Gianluca Piras M.D.
  • Vittoria Di Rubbo M.D.
  • Elisabetta Rebecchi M.D.

Hands On Courses 2024

The Gruppo Otologico organizes, for the year 2024, the following courses of Middle Ear Surgery and Lateral Skull Base Surgery.

Hands On Courses 2025

The Gruppo Otologico organizes, for the year 2025, the following courses of Middle Ear Surgery and Lateral Skull Base Surgery.