In Casa di Cura Piacenza offers, at the modern specialized gym of the Vestibular Center, vestibular rehabilitation, which is a functional therapy suitable for patients with balance disorders. Dizziness, vertigo, and the sense of imbalance cause a strong sense of disability and insecurity in patients, sometimes significantly reducing their autonomy and quality of life. Balance is one of the most important physical-mental resources of our biological and psychological system. Vestibular rehabilitation is essential in cases of balance disorders caused by:
- inner ear diseases (Menière’s disease, benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, acoustic neuroma, vestibular neuritis, labyrinthitis);
- spinal column issues and musculoskeletal system problems (cervical pain, temporomandibular dysfunctions, postural and muscular alterations);
- vision disorders, headaches, tinnitus (ringing in the ears).
The organs in our body that allow us to maintain physical balance are represented by three main systems:
- the vestibular system, divided into peripheral and central;
- the visual system;
- the proprioceptive system.
The causes of balance loss are varied and can depend on many factors.
The Vestibular Center primarily focuses on causes related to peripheral vestibular deficits by offering pharmacological, rehabilitative, and surgical treatments. Rehabilitation is also effective after surgical interventions aimed at resolving balance disorders and restoring altered functions.
The Vestibular Center was created to achieve this goal and aims to be one of the reference centers in Italy for vestibular rehabilitation (vestibology). The rehabilitative treatment, which uses adaptive, substitutive, and habituation strategies, is characterized by a series of balance and body movement exercises tailored to the specific case and aimed at improving posture control and reducing the symptom of instability or vertigo.
Patient Preparation
No special preparation rules are required for the patient, but the doctor may advise bringing all documentation regarding other in-depth examinations to be performed (magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography – CT, etc.).
Dott.ssa Anna Lisa Giannuzzi
Otorinolaringoiatria, Otologia, Neurotologia, Chirurgia della Base Cranica, Vestibologia
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29122, Piacenza (PC)
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Via Morigi, 41
29122, Piacenza (PC)
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