Neurotology or Neuro-Otology is a branch of Medicine that studies and treats neurological pathologies affecting the ears and other structures of the head.
It is a sub-specialty of Otorhinolaryngology and is closely related to Otology.

Neurotologists are surgeons specialized in Otorhinolaryngology and further trained in the study of neurological pathologies of the ear and related structures.
These include vestibular diseases (related to balance problems) such as Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV), Vestibular Neuronitis, Meniere’s Disease, and Migraine-Associated Vertigo.

Vestibology is the discipline that deals with the diagnosis and therapy of balance disorders.

Thanks to modern diagnostic technologies and advances in the understanding of physio-pathological mechanisms, Vestibology has become Otoneurology, expanding its competence to the entire balance system.

The purpose of Otoneurology is the diagnosis and therapy of various vestibular pathologies through medical, rehabilitative, and in some cases, surgical treatment.

In Casa di Cura Piacenza there is an entire center dedicated to neurotological diagnostics, called Vestibolar Center, which also includes the study of evoked potentials and vestibular instrumental tests.
It boasts a gym exclusively dedicated to vestibular rehabilitation, or “balance physiotherapy“.

Click here to view the brochure with the services of the Vestibolar Center.

Patient Preparation

No special preparation rules are required for the patient, but the doctor may advise bringing all documentation regarding other in-depth examinations to be performed (magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography – CT, etc.).


Dott.ssa Anna Lisa Giannuzzi

Dott.ssa Anna Lisa Giannuzzi

Otorinolaringoiatria, Otologia, Neurotologia, Chirurgia della Base Cranica, Vestibologia
Dott.ssa Elisabetta Rebecchi

Dott.ssa Elisabetta Rebecchi

Otorinolaringoiatria, Vestibologia



Via Morigi, 41
29122, Piacenza (PC)

Tel. (+39) 0523.751280

WhatsApp – 389.2625175



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