Cochlear implant: when and what it is used for

Published On: 22/08/2024

The Gruppo Otologico is the Center, known worldwide, with the highest case history for cochlear implant surgeries

L’cochlear implant is a small electronic device that aims to restore some sort of sense of hearing in people who are deaf or have reduced hearing ability.

Unlike hearing aids , cochlear implants do not amplify sounds, but rather translate them into electrical impulses so as to simulate natural hearing, providing individuals with bilateral profound deafness – congenital or acquired – with significantly improved sound perception.

These implants are placed through a surgical procedure that consists of a small cut behind the ear through which the stimulator is placed and electrodes are introduced inside the cochlea.

Once the surgery is over, amultidisciplinary rehabilitation pathway involving different professionals is necessary to support the patient, thanks to joint work, in a therapeutic pathway aimed at effective hearing recovery.

A globally recognized excellence

The post-surgery rehabilitation pathway is a complex and delicate process , equiring a high degree of specialisation and consolidated professional experience. A true point of reference for the sector is the Gruppo Otologico – founded and directed by Prof. Mario Sanna –, reparto di Otorinolaringoiatria della Casa di Cura Piacenza e centro specializzato – riconosciuto a livello internazionale – per la diagnosi e la cura delle patologie dell’orecchio, della base cranica, dei seni paranasali e del distretto testa-collo. L’importante lavoro svolto dall’equipe del Gruppo Otologico nel trattamento medico e chirurgico delle patologie dell’udito ha infatti ricevuto numerosi riconoscimenti, anche grazie al fatto di avere una delle casistiche più elevate a livello nazionale.

Problems due to deafness and hearing loss can be solved by: surgery, drug therapy and, where possible, prosthetic therapy(hearing aid).

In the latter case, it should be remembered that the hearing aid does not cure deafness, but the marked improvement in hearing health produced has a strong positive impact on quality of life. At the Gruppo Otologico, theteam of hearing aid specialists will provide the patient with all the necessary counseling to enable them to evaluate the best prosthetic solution that fits the patient’s needs and lifestyle, from a range of new advanced technological solutions that comply with quality protocol.

Cochlear implant: when is it needed?

The use of a cochlear implant is indicated for individuals with:

  • Bilateral sensorineural hearing loss of moderate to severe degree;
  • Hearing loss acquired subsequent to language development (postverbal acquired hearing loss);
  • Postverbal acquired deafness;
  • Hearing problems with absent benefits drawn from the use of hearing aids.

For info and reservations

For all information and bookings contact us at the following phone number +390523754362, or WhatsApp number +39378.3025085 or by e-mail