The speech therapy deals with the prevention and treatment of issues related to language, communication, voice, and swallowing.
At Casa di Cura Piacenza, the Speech Therapy Service supports the hard-of-hearing patient undergoing cochlear implant surgery in their auditory rehabilitation journey within the Otological Group team.
Similarly, patients undergoing cranial base surgery can benefit from specialized evaluations through FEES for dysphagia, during which the speech therapist can evaluate, together with the ENT doctor, the rehabilitative and compensatory interventions for the recovery of autonomous feeding.
The Speech Therapy Service is also available at Casa di Cura Sant’Antonino and is aimed at hospitalized patients with issues related to dysphagia and presbyphagia.
The evaluation is conducted at the patient’s bedside with the aim of early identification of the nutritional safety conditions the person needs.
The patient with a nasogastric tube (NGT) can benefit from the support of the entire medical and rehabilitative team during the weaning process.
Language disorders include the following issues, and the goal of the speech therapist is to help the patient achieve adequate autonomy:
- Dysarthria due to reduced control of the muscles involved in sound production;
- Dysphagia, difficulty swallowing, and dysphonia.
Il Servizio di Logopedia si occupa di personalizzare, in base alle specifiche esigenze del paziente, il percorso di riabilitazione del linguaggio per il trattamento della balbuzie, per migliorare la percezione verbale nella sordità e per imparare e/o recuperare la proprietà di linguaggio in caso di pazienti con apparecchi acustici (o protesi acustiche) e dopo intervento di impianti cocleari.
The Speech Therapy Service also caters to young patients in developmental age to address difficulties related tolearning such as DSL (Specific Language Disorder), dyslexia, dysorthography, dysgraphia and dyscalculia through the best rehabilitative treatments.
The role of the speech therapist is dedicated to the rehabilitation of deficits and dysfunctions concerning:
- oral musculature;
- facial;
- lingual;
- respiratory.
The speech therapy visit is recommended in a multidisciplinary approach to certain functional disorders, for example in cases of dental malocclusions and swallowing problems, as it can avoid or simplify some orthodontic treatments by stabilizing their results over time and complementing them with a learning path for reading and writing. In case of dysfunctional swallowing, the use of anorthodontic appliance may be necessary, which, if not sufficient to correct the functional problem of the tongue, makes it necessary to undergo a therapy based on exercises to restore the correct tone and posture of the tongue.
The orofacial myofunctional therapy is a speech therapy path for evaluating the type of swallowing and orofacial muscles, included in a program involving dentists and otorhinolaryngologists, and is carried out with rehabilitation exercises aimed at automating correct swallowing.