The pure tone audiometry (headphone audiometry) is a medical procedure aimed at quantitatively detecting the patient’s hearing ability. The procedure, which is neither painful nor invasive or dangerous, is performed inside a soundproof booth where the patient will be asked to use a pair of headphones.
The pure tone audiometry, conducted by the Audiometrist Technician, consists of determining the hearing threshold for simple stimuli.
The Audiometrist Technician will send sounds to the headphones (starting from low tones up to high tones) and will ask the patient to press a button every time they perceive a sound. The exam can be performed by both children and adults and has no contraindications.
This exam may also require the execution of the speech audiometry.
Casa di Cura Piacenza is the first Center in Italy dedicated in an ultra-specialized manner to ear and cranial base diseases, boasting the presence of 7 state-of-the-art audiometric booths, thus allowing these exams to be performed in the best possible way.
Patient Preparation
It is recommended that the patient bring any previous tonal audiometry test.
Dott. Antonio Caruso
Otorinolaringoiatria, Otologia, Neurotologia, Chirurgia della Base Cranica, Chirurgia Endoscopica dei Seni Paranasali
Dott.ssa Vittoria Di Rubbo
Otorinolaringoiatria, Otologia, Chirurgia della Base Cranica
Dott. Giuseppe Fancello
Otorinolaringoiatria, Otologia, Neurotologia, Chirurgia della Base Cranica, Chirurgia Endoscopica dei Seni Paranasali, Laringologia
Dott.ssa Anna Lisa Giannuzzi
Otorinolaringoiatria, Otologia, Neurotologia, Chirurgia della Base Cranica, Vestibologia
Dott. Lorenzo Lauda
Otorinolaringoiatria, Otologia, Neurotologia, Chirurgia della Base Cranica, Chirurgia Endoscopica dei Seni Paranasali, Chirurgia Riabilitativa del Nervo facciale
Dott. Enrico Piccirillo
Otorinolaringoiatria, Neurotologia, Chirurgia della Base Cranica, Chirurgia Endoscopica dei Seni Paranasali, Oncologia Testa-Collo
Dott. Gianluca Piras
Otorinolaringoiatria, Otologia, Neurotologia, Chirurgia della Base Cranica, Chirurgia Endoscopica dei Seni Paranasali
Dott.ssa Alessandra Russo
Otorinolaringoiatria, Otologia, Neurotologia, Chirurgia della Base Cranica, Chirurgia Ricostruttiva del Padiglione Auricolare
Prof. Mario Sanna
Otorinolaringoiatria, Otologia, Neurotologia, Chirurgia della Base Cranica
Dott. Abdelkader Taibah
Otorinolaringoiatria, Otologia, Neurotologia, Chirurgia della Base Cranica
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