Visitor Access
Visitor Information
In compliance with the ASL Operational Instructions regarding visitor access, in line with the ministerial and regional guidelines, the following information is provided regarding the behavioral norms to be observed during the stay of those visiting their relatives at the two Casa di cura Piacenza and Sant’Antonino based on the Departments in which they reside.
Visits are allowed throughout the week, from Monday to Sunday, under certain conditions mentioned below.
To better manage the flow of entry and exit, people intending to access Casa di Cura Piacenza to visit a patient or accompany a user must pass through theInfoPoint (located at the entrance on Via Morigi, 41).
The visitor must equip themselves and wear throughout the visit a surgical mask or one with higher filtering capacity.
Please note that visits are allowed, subject to agreement with the Coordinators and the Head of the Operational Unit, and these provisions are valid both in Casa di Cura Piacenza and in Casa di Cura Sant’Antonino.
Visiting Hours
Visitor access to Casa di Cura Piacenza and Casa di Cura Sant’Antonino is possible once in the morning and once in the afternoon. Each patient can receive two visits per day, and for each visit, only one person is allowed.
- morning slot with access from 11:45 to 12:00, a time that precedes lunch distribution, and stay until 13:00;
- afternoon slot with access from 18:15 to 18:30 with permission to stay in the room until 19:30.
Exceptions are provided for patients showing cases with particular clinical factors.
Visitor access to the Departments will be authorized based on the indications of the Nursing Coordinators and Doctors.
Who Can Access
In the wards, caregivers, those who provide assistance to a non-self-sufficient/fragile patient or who have temporary difficulties (minors, pregnant women, users with motor, intellectual, or sensory disabilities, patients with an evident language barrier), are allowed to access.
The caregiver is allowed to stay in a chair in the patient’s room they assist. It is also possible to reserve a private room with an accompanying person by prior arrangement with the competent offices.
Behavioral Norms for Caregivers
- only one caregiver per patient is allowed to stay;
- caregiver changes are allowed, respecting the aforementioned conditions;
- no swab test is required;
- it is not allowed to stay in waiting areas except for the time strictly necessary for admission to the ward at the agreed time.
Visitor Access Procedures
At the Infopoint you must:
- wear a surgical mask (following the recommendations on usage);
- properly sanitize hands with appropriate disinfectant.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
The use of respiratory protection devices is mandatory for visitors inside all wards both in Casa di Cura Piacenza and in Casa di Cura Sant’Antonino.
It is, however, recommended in case of:
- companions and users inside all waiting rooms and clinics;
- for fragile/immunocompromised patients (e.g., patients undergoing chemo/radiotherapy, patients undergoing dialysis, etc.).
It should be noted that there is no obligation to wear respiratory protection devices for:
- children under six years of age;
- people with conditions or disabilities incompatible with the use of masks, as well as people who need to communicate with a person with a disability in such a way that they cannot use the device.
Behavioral norms for visitors and caregivers
- take turns to avoid overcrowding in the room;
- wear the appropriate PPE according to the Department as mentioned above;
- perform hand washing with hydroalcoholic gel (NO gloves);
- maintain a distance of at least 1 meter from other patients, visitors, and/or staff;
- adhere to the hygiene rules of the Operational Unit (e.g., do not sit on the bed, do not place bags or objects on the bed, do not leave the hospital room, do not exchange cell phones);
- do not stay in waiting rooms.
Visitor access to the Covid-19 isolation ward
In case of a positive Covid-19 test, the patient or patients are isolated in areas treated as Covid-19 wards. The rules for access to these areas are as follows:
- visits to patients on Oxygen Therapy are not allowed;
- each patient is allowed the presence of only one visitor for a maximum of 20 minutes per day at a time agreed upon with the Nursing Coordinator of the Operational Unit and Doctors;
- maintain a distance of at least 1 meter from the patient during the visit;
- wear Personal Protective Equipment and keep it on for the entire stay in the Ward.
Visitors can bring laundry directly to the wards.
Thank you all for your cooperation.